No Ratio Loan
Very easy loan for buyer, simply need credit and funds for closing with reserves.
Loan Amount from $100,000 to $2M.
Minimum 20% Down Payment with 720+ Credit.
Minimum Credit 660 with 35% Down Payment.
Credit & Reserves Required:
720+, as little as 20% Down Payment, 12-months Reserves
680-719, 25% Down Payment, 9-months Reserves
660-679, 35% Down Payment, 9-months Reserves
Over 1.5M, ratios change.
Purchase, Rate & Term, Cash Out Refi.
Home: Primary or Second Home only.
Types: Fixed Rate , FRM 7/6 and 10/6 ARM.
Property: SFR, PUD, Townhome, Condominium (Condos in Florida require a Full Condo Review), 2-4 Unit, Modular, Rural, Mixed Use and Log Homes.
No more than 10 Acres.
Seller Concession: 6% Maximum.
Gift Funds allowed.
Required Tradelines: Two (2) reporting for 12+ months or one (1) tradeline reporting for 24+ months, all with activity in the last 90 days.
Counseling required.