Human Trafficking…..Human Trafficking can happen anywhere, to anyone., 404-436-1774, P.O. Box 271, Newnan, GA 30264. Our Mission: Empowering at-risk and exploited youth to reach their full potential through education and transformative care.

fighting human trafficking & ritual abuse…Exposing Trafficking, Ritual Abuse Rescuing, Rehabilitating Victims Derail, Prosecuting Predators. SIIU Core Team One brings years of experience working with real victims and boots on the ground investigation. Fighting for those that can't fight for themselves. Doing what others can't or won't do. Standing in the gap to set the captives free, so goodness and mercy may follow.

  • Expose the Darkness

  • Heal the Brokenhearted

  • Set Captives Free

  • Seek Justice

  • Win Souls

  • Teach

Substance Abuse

Bridging The Gap…..(770) 683-9110, 19 1st Ave, Newnan, GA 30263, The mission of Bridging the Gap Services, LLC is to provide a comprehensive, reality based outpatient alcohol and drug education and treatment program through individual, group and family counseling. The purpose of the program is to provide a wide-range of treatment services, which include task group processing utilizing evidenced based practices and interfaced with the utilization of 12-step recovery philosophies.

Food Programs

BackpackBuddies…..(678) 770-8618, 96 Werz Industrial Blvd, Newnan, GA 30263. Mission Statement: To supply economically disadvantaged children in the Coweta County School System with food for the weekend. We are currently serving 1,150+ children in 33 schools, which is only scratching the surface of the true need here in Coweta County. Hunger is an increasing epidemic in our county and most residents are unaware. The Backpack Buddies program is essential to help relieve hunger, which in turn will improve grades, health, school attendance and self-esteem

Meals on Wheels of Coweta…..for residences 65+ in need, (678) 423-1700, 8 Savannah St, Newnan, GA 30263. Over forty thousand meals are served to MOWOC clients annually. Approximately 180 volunteers are involved in meal delivery, handyman repairs, food preparation, pet care assistance, and friendly visitors. The majority of MOWOC clients live alone with little or no help. The meal the client receives may be the only meal they eat that day.